Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Visiting Home

Well after being away from Iowa for exactly 6 months, I made the trek home this past weekend.  Since my sister moved to Chicago last August, I'm able to drive to her house and then we make the trip back to Iowa together.  We traveled home to host bridal shower this weekend for our good friend Sarah.  Despite all three bridesmaids living in different states, we planned a successful shower and had a wonderful turnout of 40+ people.  Going home this weekend was a lot of fun, though a bit overwhelming.  Lately, my trips back to Iowa have been a bit of a whirlwind.  There is such limited time to see all my family and friends.  Thankfully I was able to spend some time with two of my four aunts and my grandparents as well as visiting briefly with a lot of my church family.  I had some good time with my mom as well and I'm so thankful for the love and support she gives me.

Because Jessica had to work again Monday morning, we headed back to her house Sunday afternoon.  I am on my week long "summer break" right now from school, so I decided it was a great time to spend a few extra days away from my place back in Indiana and relax.  I love spending time with Jessica but she's been working so that has given me my desired down time to relax.  So what did I do to relax and rejuvenate myself??  I worked in my sisters garden, cleaned my car (inside and out!), helped deep clean some stuff in the kitchen, did some leisure reading, helped get some extra laundry done for my sister, went on walks with my sister, edited pictures and best of all...SLEPT IN (except today)! :)  I'm going to be meeting Jess for lunch today and then heading back to good ole Indiana.  I'm almost packed and so I think I may allow myself to go out and play photographer at the town center before I head out.  One last opportunity to relax before hittin' the highway!

Being back in Iowa and spending time at Jessica's makes me appreciate my family a lot.  I miss them and love them more than ever!

Jessica & I sporting our new haircuts :)

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