I'm a mere 4 days away from making the big move back to Iowa! I have such mixed emotions I can't even begin to explain them all. Nervous, anxious, scared, excited, happy, sad.....
I had a going away party on Sunday and had 30 people show up to wish me farewell. I felt very loved and appreciated. It hadn't hit me yet that I was really leaving so it was weird saying bye to everyone.

Then last night I went up to Michigan to have dinner with a good friend and his parents. As I drove to his house it started to hit me that I was leaving. I have no idea if I will ever make that trip again! It's sad!!!!! We went to the Lake so I could get pictures of the sunset ONE last time before moving back to Iowa. Jon has been such a good friends over the years especially when it comes to going to the beach just so I can take pictures. He just lets me do my thing and hangs out with me. We went back to his house and had ice cream and then before I knew it, I had to leave. He walked me out to my car and it hit me like a brick wall--it was time to say goodbye. I may never see Jon face to face again on this side of heaven. I don't have a CLUE what I'm doing when I finish school so I have no idea if I'll ever be able to go back to Michigan to visit him and go takes pictures at the beach! It was a sad night.

I hit another brick wall today. I started packing up my "daily stuff"...things that I have been unable to pack until now because I was still using it! All of my extra bathroom & kitchen stuff is packed up (i.e. bath towels, medicine, non-perishable food, and dishes). Tomorrow I'm going to be giving away my kitchen table, recliner & bedside table. I will also start packing up all my clothes. It's so weird to think about living in my mom's house for more than 3 weeks! I haven't lived there since August 2006 and now I'm moving back.
Life's about to get really interesting again so it's time to brace myself for whatever is going to come my way. I'm bound to be an emotional mess by the time Saturday rolls around but I know God's carrying me!
Will post again post-moving day!