I can hardly believe that this summer is nearing it's end. My attitude going into this summer was "wow...this is gonna be interesting!" It has been nothing but!!!
First off, God is moving so much right now. I have been so blessed the past two weeks. Instead of continuing my slow fade from HIM, He has brought me back into His arms. I have brothers and sisters looking after me and praying for on a regular basis. My passion for the hurting children of God has be renewed. God has shown me once again that even though I am nothing more than a messed up human, I AM STILL VALUABLE to HIM! :) I have nothing to offer but brokenness and let me be the first to say I'm pretty sure that's all He wants! God has picked up my shattered world and molded me back into His precious vessel. I know I will be used in ways beyond my current comprehension. I can't imagine walking through life alone ever again. After spending the first two months of summer running around trying to "figure out the rest of my life" as I commonly said, I am now trusting God's hand instead. It brings a smile to my face and to my heart. His love is unending and never ceases to amaze me.
I am a mere 3 days away from moving into my very first apartment. I'm beyond excited but also beyond freaked out. Actually--two weeks ago that's how I felt. I am now more anxious to see how God helps me down this next step in my walk. Moving out on your own can be very challenging and frightening. Expenses that you are unaware of will pop up and next thing you know, you're scraping for coins. Everyday household items, all the sudden mean more to you than before....because they aren't just there anymore---you have to provide them! I know God will be placed as the head of my household and I intend to totally surrender my new apartment to Him and His will for me.
I will also be starting a new job & beginning more classes in the upcoming months. The logistics have fallen into place and I am once again anxious to see how things work out. God is good and faithful to provide what I need, when I need it. If this means sleeping on my best friend's dorm room floor, eating ramen while studying for exams, it may just come to that. If it means paying ahead on bills, waking up early to read ahead in my text books and serving the community in the evenings, I will be blessed beyond reason. My life, my apartment, my job and my education are no longer in my hands, but in HIS!