Wow....December already?! I feel like it should be September still...except there is snow on the ground, my winter coat is hanging on the chair behind me and my boots are on. So ready or not...winter has unofficially, officially started. I just got done enjoying my favorite Starbucks drink and a wonderful conversation with a dear friend. I decided before heading back to my apartment that I would write a new blog post. We are three days into this month, but December has become a little overwhelming already.
Well, back track to November 29th. I started another new class at Brown Mackie. I finished my November class with a 96%. I have started my core classes I'm officially in the OTA program! So TECHNICALLY I can start putting special little letters at the end of my name..."Rose Geertz, OTAS" Haha...I am an occupational therapy assistant STUDENT. When I graduate I will be an OTA...and after I pass my certification test, I'll be a COTA...and if I go on to get my masters I'll be an OTR. Okay, sorry for the little rant, but someday those little letters will mean something :) This class started on Monday and will go until December 22nd. I have buckled up for a rough month. This class is TOUGH! It's definitely a lot harder than the other two classes I've had at Brown Mackie. The worst part....they keep telling us that it's the easiest class in the program!!!! I have 6 books for the class and I get to read multiple chapters each night after class. EEEK! God's strength will be the only thing to get me through this crazy month of class.
December 1st--marked the beginning of my 5th month out on my own. It's hard to believe...but I've got all my Christmas decorations up, which makes me happy! :) December 1st also marked the 6th anniversary of my friend Matt's death. It just doesn't seem possible that he's been gone for that long. With each passing day, we're one day closer to being together again. As I visited the cemetery last weekend, memories flooded my mind of our times together. Since Wednesday, memories of his funeral have been flying through my mind. It was surreal then and it's surreal now. Walking away from the grave that morning tore my heart in two. Losing a classmate, a friend, a brother in Christ is not easy--especially at the age of 16/17. My 17th birthday just seemed...wrong...when I thought about him being gone. Each December 1st that has passed, I grieve the loss again. In my mind it just doesn't seem right.
Today marks another anniversary. One year ago, I received an early morning phone call from my dad that Grandpa had passed away. Upon hearing the news of his condition the day before, I began making plans to drive home for the funeral. Somehow I knew, that he wasn't going to pull out of it. He had been in and out of the hospital/nursing home for a few years and we had heard it was the end numerous times....but somehow at this time last year, I knew it really was the end. The early phone call did not come as a surprise. I was never super close to Grandpa, but it was still a lost loved one. I traveled home for the funeral. Being with my dad's family again was good, but the occasion was difficult. I am the last of the Geertz blood-line and it was hard to see Grandpa in the casket. Remembering back to the days on the farm, I thought of the day he taught me how to snap my fingers. It still brings a smile to my face. As we said our final goodbyes at the grave, I broke down. I knew my grandpa was in Heaven, I knew he had served his time...a long 94 years--but I was still sad. My grandpa was gone. Forever. I no longer had the chance to hug him and tell him I loved him. My cousin grabbed me two carnations from the casket and reminded me Grandpa was in a better place. I hugged my aunt and she told me it was all going to be okay. I clutched onto the carnations and said one last goodbye. My grandpa's death has become another December memory that will never leave.
Soon I will celebrate my 23rd birthday. It's kind of odd...I'm not excited for my birthday. I don't really think it's a bad thing. I do not need or expect anything big or grand to happen on the 13th. I have so much and I'm already blessed beyond measure--I don't need anything else. I will be content to be engage in my education, work a few hours to make a living and talk with my family & friends. Birthday's are a big deal to some, but I already feel blessed & loved...I don't need a special day set aside for it.
Soon after the birthday festivities will be Christmas. This Christmas will be a new experience for me. I may miss my family Christmas get together for the first time since I was 4. Growing up and moving 5 hours away from the family--it takes a toll on you. I didn't recognize the toll it would take until I realized it meant being away on the holidays. I made it home for Thanksgiving and "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams." Sitting alone in my apartment on Christmas would be terrible. If anything, I will do what I have to to get to IL, to my sisters house. I pray God will allow the weather to stay calm enough for the three of us to make it back to Iowa to be with family. Of all the family members, I am the farthest away so it makes me appreciate my family that much more. My time with them is limited and it makes me realize how much they mean to me.
Before I know it, January will be here. December will prove to be a trying month for me, no doubt. Old memories and new challenges will be etched into the calendar of my heart. It's just another month, but I know it will not soon be forgotten. So what's December all about anyway....? Reflection? Yes, I think so.
I am a recent college graduate and I have decided it's time to start a blog. During my four years of college, I sent weekly email updates home to my family and friends about what was going on in my life at college. Now that I've graduated, I'm going to write in this blog instead of in my weekly email updates.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fall into Winter...
Well, so far school is going well. I finished my first class a couple weeks ago with a 98%. It was incredibly boring but was a great GPA booster! I'm in my second class now...medical terminology. So far, so good. It's another boring class but it's great review to get my mindset back on the medical field for school. The class is already flying by and soon it will be December and time to start my real OTA classes! :) Outside of school there is work and social life. Work is work....I'm happy to have a job that is flexible with my school schedule. I honestly have a pretty easy job all things considered, so I will enjoy it while I can! Actually, work alone has sort of become a bit of my social life. It's the only time I really get to see all of my friends that are still Bethel students! It's nice to get paid for seeing friends! :)
It's hard to believe that November is here already. I've been living in my apartment for just over three months, yet I feel like I've lived there for FOREVER! yes needless to say, I feel at home and I'm completely settled in! I even have some "fall" decorations up, which makes it more homey. I'm pumped to start decorating for Christmas though!!! I hope to get a tree in the next couple weeks! :)
It snowed this past and on all day. It led to me having to clean my car off for the first time of the "winter" season!! Seeing the snow falling brought so very odd sense of happiness though. It just sort of made me get excited for Christmas. This could also be due to the fact that I was looking forward to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert that I attended the next day! :) I'll get back to the concert in a second...first more about Friday. I worked a nine hour shift on Friday and after cleaning off my car to go home, I arrived to find that I had no power. SOMEHOW our power went out for over 6 hours, though I still don't have a clue why. I'm assuming a transformer went out, but no one knew for sure in my complex. It was fun to meet a few of my neighbors as we stood outside trying to figure out what happened. When I got back home after the power was turned on, I finally broke down and turned my heat on. Because each room in the house has it's own thermostat, I figured I could just hold off on turning the heat on and use lots of blankets at night. So besides one cold morning that I turned the heat on in my bathroom while I was getting ready, I waited until after the first snowfall to turn on the heat. That was my initial plan and I held out on it!!!
Saturday rolled around and Danielle & I took off for Peoria. We met up with Andrew & Eamon to go to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert. It was one AMAZING concert. I knew going into the whole thing that I would more than likely walk away with a headache. The awesome music & incredible light show did exactly what I expected it to...made me want to crawl in a whole and cry! By the time we got to dinner, I had such a terrible headache I thought I was going to get sick. So, before ordering any real food, Andrew got me some water & crackers at the restaurant and I took some Excedrin. I thought it'd be smart to take 3 Excedrin instead of my normal 2, just to make sure it killed the headache. headache slowly disappeared, but then I really felt sick. For the next 24-ish hours, I had an awful stomach ache. I still don't know what caused it...if it was the pills or the food I ate, all I know is I felt like throwing up all stinkin' day!

Despite the illness, I had a great weekend hanging out with my friends. We enjoyed the concert and the awesome hotel that we got a GREAT deal on (Thank you, Andrew!). Swimming in one pretty awesome pool, enjoying a hot tub and watching ridiculous YouTube videos by the fireplace...yep, doesn't get better than that! Haha....and of course passing out in a big ole comfy bed all to myself was much appreciated as I felt sick. That was a pretty random update...but hey, better than nothing! :)
It's hard to believe that November is here already. I've been living in my apartment for just over three months, yet I feel like I've lived there for FOREVER! yes needless to say, I feel at home and I'm completely settled in! I even have some "fall" decorations up, which makes it more homey. I'm pumped to start decorating for Christmas though!!! I hope to get a tree in the next couple weeks! :)
It snowed this past and on all day. It led to me having to clean my car off for the first time of the "winter" season!! Seeing the snow falling brought so very odd sense of happiness though. It just sort of made me get excited for Christmas. This could also be due to the fact that I was looking forward to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert that I attended the next day! :) I'll get back to the concert in a second...first more about Friday. I worked a nine hour shift on Friday and after cleaning off my car to go home, I arrived to find that I had no power. SOMEHOW our power went out for over 6 hours, though I still don't have a clue why. I'm assuming a transformer went out, but no one knew for sure in my complex. It was fun to meet a few of my neighbors as we stood outside trying to figure out what happened. When I got back home after the power was turned on, I finally broke down and turned my heat on. Because each room in the house has it's own thermostat, I figured I could just hold off on turning the heat on and use lots of blankets at night. So besides one cold morning that I turned the heat on in my bathroom while I was getting ready, I waited until after the first snowfall to turn on the heat. That was my initial plan and I held out on it!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010
For the first time since this summer, I'm headed back to my mom's to enjoy some R&R. It's so weird to say that....I mean it will always be home, but I don't live there anymore. I've got a place of my own that I call home now. I can't even say I just wanna go sleep in my own bed....because I have my own bed at my own place! Oh the joys of growing up! :)
I'm learning to balance out school and work. So far, so good. I aced my first test this week at school. It didn't really surprise me because it was easy material but regardless it made me happy to see "100%" written at the top of my exam when I got it back. After talking with one of the OTA professors, I've come to the understanding that I will no longer have a life when I start the actual OT classes. I' ex....cited? HA! I'm nervous, but I think I can do it. I guess we'll see just how hard it really is in a couple more months!
Aside from school and work, God's been teaching me a lot lately. I am learning more about being dependent on HIM. It's not an easy lesson to learn, especially when I'm trying to figure out life as an independent young adult! God has great plans for me, and I am needing to be patient as I seek out what those plans are. He is requiring me to be patient. While patience is a strong point for me, He is kind of testing me on it. I have to continually surrender to Him. In the end...I know it will be worth it! God's too good to leave me hanging without my needs being met. It's all in HIS timing though! I'm enjoying life and enjoying following God's plan for me. Not to say it's easy, but it is rewarding.
I'm learning to balance out school and work. So far, so good. I aced my first test this week at school. It didn't really surprise me because it was easy material but regardless it made me happy to see "100%" written at the top of my exam when I got it back. After talking with one of the OTA professors, I've come to the understanding that I will no longer have a life when I start the actual OT classes. I' ex....cited? HA! I'm nervous, but I think I can do it. I guess we'll see just how hard it really is in a couple more months!
Aside from school and work, God's been teaching me a lot lately. I am learning more about being dependent on HIM. It's not an easy lesson to learn, especially when I'm trying to figure out life as an independent young adult! God has great plans for me, and I am needing to be patient as I seek out what those plans are. He is requiring me to be patient. While patience is a strong point for me, He is kind of testing me on it. I have to continually surrender to Him. In the end...I know it will be worth it! God's too good to leave me hanging without my needs being met. It's all in HIS timing though! I'm enjoying life and enjoying following God's plan for me. Not to say it's easy, but it is rewarding.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
It's the middle of September!
Life really does go on....sometimes without me even noticing just how quickly! I decided since it is September now, I'm well over-due for an update!
Summer quickly turned into the start of a new school year. Yes....I graduated from Bethel in May and no, I've not returned to Bethel as a student. Instead of returning as a student, I am working at the college. While I still feel very connected to the student body, it continues to sink in that I am no longer a part of the Bethel student body. I should be and am a proud alumni. I am working part time for Sodexo as a supervisor. I get to be an awesome boss to some awesome student workers. My responsibilities can sound confusing, but in all reality, the only responsibility I have is to make my workers do their job. Their jobs include running the salad bar, dessert bar, deli, breakfast bar, sometimes helping with the main lines AND cleaning up at the end of our shift. The joys of being a supervisor--if they mess up and I don't catch it before I send them home, I get stuck having to do it OR I get chewed out the next day. Really though--it's not that bad. My first couple weeks were very stressful as I was still working my summer job and I did not have any student workers, so their said job description all fell on my shoulders. I have six workers each night to take care of everything and I was having to do it all by myself. So yes, it was a pretty rough start to my new job. I'm about a month into the job and I am now comfortable with everything so things are looking up!
So, the Bethel school year has started out pretty well and MY school year is two weeks away from starting. I start classes on October 4th. I actually have orientation in like 10 days and that will be the true start of everything for me. When I start class, I will be taking two more gen eds before getting into the actual OTA program classes. Brown Mackie does one class per month so after 14 months I will be finished with my occupational therapy assistant degree. I have a contact to start some job shadowing as well so I am excited for everything to get started. It's been almost 6 months since I graduated and I think I might be ready to start school again! It's weird not being in's going to be weird when I'm really done with school!!! Which in all honesty could be another 4 or 5 years from now if I chose to go back for my masters!
Well....the other big update on life is about growing up. I moved into my own apartment about 6 weeks ago. I love living in an apartment. I have so much space to myself and it's only MY space. For the first time in my whole life, I don't have to share my space with anyone. Honestly I think EVERYONE should do this for at least some period of time before getting married. It's such a good feeling to just do your own thing. No rules, no one else to worry about, no expectations from house/'s just you doing your own thing. I think you learn a lot about yourself that way. So what have I learned??? I've learned a lot about being responsible. Yes, at 22 (almost 23) I'm still learning about being responsible. It almost seems funny! But....when there is no one else around to help clean up your mess, you've got to be responsible! I have to do all my dishes, sweep & vacuum my floors, do all my laundry, clean/dust on a regular basis.....all that jazz. I am determined to keep my apartment looking nice and so far it's been pretty easy. Once I got settled into my place, I've been able to keep stuff put away. The hardest part for me is keeping my dishes done, but I'm learning more and more than it just bothers me when my dishes pile up. So yea....this growing up thing is going pretty well. As far as all the fears I had going into it, well not that they have totally disappeared but I'm accepting it and dealing with things as they come up. Money has not really been a big problem. It's stressful, but God has totally provided when I need it. My safety/security--I've never felt threatened but I just make sure I keep my doors and windows locked whenever I can. And really, those were my biggest fears. I'm in a strict enough schedule that I don't have to worry about staying up all night and not waking up in time to do get to work. My body doesn't let me stay up late. I think I'm getting old. ;)
Okay...well I think that's an adequate update! I'll try to not wait so long the next time so it doesn't get so long!
Summer quickly turned into the start of a new school year. Yes....I graduated from Bethel in May and no, I've not returned to Bethel as a student. Instead of returning as a student, I am working at the college. While I still feel very connected to the student body, it continues to sink in that I am no longer a part of the Bethel student body. I should be and am a proud alumni. I am working part time for Sodexo as a supervisor. I get to be an awesome boss to some awesome student workers. My responsibilities can sound confusing, but in all reality, the only responsibility I have is to make my workers do their job. Their jobs include running the salad bar, dessert bar, deli, breakfast bar, sometimes helping with the main lines AND cleaning up at the end of our shift. The joys of being a supervisor--if they mess up and I don't catch it before I send them home, I get stuck having to do it OR I get chewed out the next day. Really though--it's not that bad. My first couple weeks were very stressful as I was still working my summer job and I did not have any student workers, so their said job description all fell on my shoulders. I have six workers each night to take care of everything and I was having to do it all by myself. So yes, it was a pretty rough start to my new job. I'm about a month into the job and I am now comfortable with everything so things are looking up!
So, the Bethel school year has started out pretty well and MY school year is two weeks away from starting. I start classes on October 4th. I actually have orientation in like 10 days and that will be the true start of everything for me. When I start class, I will be taking two more gen eds before getting into the actual OTA program classes. Brown Mackie does one class per month so after 14 months I will be finished with my occupational therapy assistant degree. I have a contact to start some job shadowing as well so I am excited for everything to get started. It's been almost 6 months since I graduated and I think I might be ready to start school again! It's weird not being in's going to be weird when I'm really done with school!!! Which in all honesty could be another 4 or 5 years from now if I chose to go back for my masters!
Well....the other big update on life is about growing up. I moved into my own apartment about 6 weeks ago. I love living in an apartment. I have so much space to myself and it's only MY space. For the first time in my whole life, I don't have to share my space with anyone. Honestly I think EVERYONE should do this for at least some period of time before getting married. It's such a good feeling to just do your own thing. No rules, no one else to worry about, no expectations from house/'s just you doing your own thing. I think you learn a lot about yourself that way. So what have I learned??? I've learned a lot about being responsible. Yes, at 22 (almost 23) I'm still learning about being responsible. It almost seems funny! But....when there is no one else around to help clean up your mess, you've got to be responsible! I have to do all my dishes, sweep & vacuum my floors, do all my laundry, clean/dust on a regular basis.....all that jazz. I am determined to keep my apartment looking nice and so far it's been pretty easy. Once I got settled into my place, I've been able to keep stuff put away. The hardest part for me is keeping my dishes done, but I'm learning more and more than it just bothers me when my dishes pile up. So yea....this growing up thing is going pretty well. As far as all the fears I had going into it, well not that they have totally disappeared but I'm accepting it and dealing with things as they come up. Money has not really been a big problem. It's stressful, but God has totally provided when I need it. My safety/security--I've never felt threatened but I just make sure I keep my doors and windows locked whenever I can. And really, those were my biggest fears. I'm in a strict enough schedule that I don't have to worry about staying up all night and not waking up in time to do get to work. My body doesn't let me stay up late. I think I'm getting old. ;)
Okay...well I think that's an adequate update! I'll try to not wait so long the next time so it doesn't get so long!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I can hardly believe that this summer is nearing it's end. My attitude going into this summer was "wow...this is gonna be interesting!" It has been nothing but!!!
First off, God is moving so much right now. I have been so blessed the past two weeks. Instead of continuing my slow fade from HIM, He has brought me back into His arms. I have brothers and sisters looking after me and praying for on a regular basis. My passion for the hurting children of God has be renewed. God has shown me once again that even though I am nothing more than a messed up human, I AM STILL VALUABLE to HIM! :) I have nothing to offer but brokenness and let me be the first to say I'm pretty sure that's all He wants! God has picked up my shattered world and molded me back into His precious vessel. I know I will be used in ways beyond my current comprehension. I can't imagine walking through life alone ever again. After spending the first two months of summer running around trying to "figure out the rest of my life" as I commonly said, I am now trusting God's hand instead. It brings a smile to my face and to my heart. His love is unending and never ceases to amaze me.
I am a mere 3 days away from moving into my very first apartment. I'm beyond excited but also beyond freaked out. Actually--two weeks ago that's how I felt. I am now more anxious to see how God helps me down this next step in my walk. Moving out on your own can be very challenging and frightening. Expenses that you are unaware of will pop up and next thing you know, you're scraping for coins. Everyday household items, all the sudden mean more to you than before....because they aren't just there anymore---you have to provide them! I know God will be placed as the head of my household and I intend to totally surrender my new apartment to Him and His will for me.
I will also be starting a new job & beginning more classes in the upcoming months. The logistics have fallen into place and I am once again anxious to see how things work out. God is good and faithful to provide what I need, when I need it. If this means sleeping on my best friend's dorm room floor, eating ramen while studying for exams, it may just come to that. If it means paying ahead on bills, waking up early to read ahead in my text books and serving the community in the evenings, I will be blessed beyond reason. My life, my apartment, my job and my education are no longer in my hands, but in HIS!
First off, God is moving so much right now. I have been so blessed the past two weeks. Instead of continuing my slow fade from HIM, He has brought me back into His arms. I have brothers and sisters looking after me and praying for on a regular basis. My passion for the hurting children of God has be renewed. God has shown me once again that even though I am nothing more than a messed up human, I AM STILL VALUABLE to HIM! :) I have nothing to offer but brokenness and let me be the first to say I'm pretty sure that's all He wants! God has picked up my shattered world and molded me back into His precious vessel. I know I will be used in ways beyond my current comprehension. I can't imagine walking through life alone ever again. After spending the first two months of summer running around trying to "figure out the rest of my life" as I commonly said, I am now trusting God's hand instead. It brings a smile to my face and to my heart. His love is unending and never ceases to amaze me.
I am a mere 3 days away from moving into my very first apartment. I'm beyond excited but also beyond freaked out. Actually--two weeks ago that's how I felt. I am now more anxious to see how God helps me down this next step in my walk. Moving out on your own can be very challenging and frightening. Expenses that you are unaware of will pop up and next thing you know, you're scraping for coins. Everyday household items, all the sudden mean more to you than before....because they aren't just there anymore---you have to provide them! I know God will be placed as the head of my household and I intend to totally surrender my new apartment to Him and His will for me.
I will also be starting a new job & beginning more classes in the upcoming months. The logistics have fallen into place and I am once again anxious to see how things work out. God is good and faithful to provide what I need, when I need it. If this means sleeping on my best friend's dorm room floor, eating ramen while studying for exams, it may just come to that. If it means paying ahead on bills, waking up early to read ahead in my text books and serving the community in the evenings, I will be blessed beyond reason. My life, my apartment, my job and my education are no longer in my hands, but in HIS!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Summer Time
Well it's been just over a month since I graduated from Bethel and where am I now? Well...still at Bethel! Working for housekeeping for the 2nd summer in a row. I have been applying for jobs and looking at apartments since the end of April. I have also been trying to figure out this whole going back to school in October ordeal.
So here's the deal--I want to go to Brown Mackie (starting October 4th) for their occupational therapy assistant program. I am trying to get my finances squared away and it's been 10x more stressful than it ever was at Bethel. Somehow! I think I finally have a plan worked out that will allow me to get the money I need to cover the first 9 months of schooling. Woo! Oh but there is a catch!!! Even if I get the finances squared away, I still need a job to pay for my housing & food for the next two years. My job at Bethel only lasts through the end of August. This being said--if I have not found another job at the end of July, I will be making plans to head home and work for awhile before going back to school. While this is not my first choice, it will just have to work out if that's the way things go. As long as a job is in place and my school plans work out, I will be moving to South Bend at least semi-permanently to finish off this degree. I have an apartment picked out and just need to get my application turned in to secure my spot. One step at a time, though! It's all a bit overwhelming!!!
Outside of figuring out the next step, I am plenty busy working 40 hours a week and spending lots of time with my friends. It's been a good summer so far and I can HARDLY believe that June is here and flyin' by fast. Buckle's gonna be a wild ride!
Later days!
So here's the deal--I want to go to Brown Mackie (starting October 4th) for their occupational therapy assistant program. I am trying to get my finances squared away and it's been 10x more stressful than it ever was at Bethel. Somehow! I think I finally have a plan worked out that will allow me to get the money I need to cover the first 9 months of schooling. Woo! Oh but there is a catch!!! Even if I get the finances squared away, I still need a job to pay for my housing & food for the next two years. My job at Bethel only lasts through the end of August. This being said--if I have not found another job at the end of July, I will be making plans to head home and work for awhile before going back to school. While this is not my first choice, it will just have to work out if that's the way things go. As long as a job is in place and my school plans work out, I will be moving to South Bend at least semi-permanently to finish off this degree. I have an apartment picked out and just need to get my application turned in to secure my spot. One step at a time, though! It's all a bit overwhelming!!!
Outside of figuring out the next step, I am plenty busy working 40 hours a week and spending lots of time with my friends. It's been a good summer so far and I can HARDLY believe that June is here and flyin' by fast. Buckle's gonna be a wild ride!
Later days!
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